EMC testing / Product safety testing / CE mark
Per 01-01-2018 I have been retired and changed my address (and that of ce-test) to France.
I also discontinued:
- most of the EMC measurement and test services.
My current activities are limited to:
- LVD testing according to EN 60950-1 (EN 62368-1)
- EMC consultancy
- LVD consultancy
Since May 2018 i have been accepted as a HAS consultant at the European Commission. My job is concerned with the assessment of future harmonised standards for Radio and implied LVD and EMC.
EMC testing

- The CE mark,
- EMC testing to IEC, CENELEC and ISO standards,
- Electromagnetic Interference (EMC) testing,
- Radio and Telecommunication Terminal Equipment testing to ETSI standards,
- Automotive ESA type I and II to EN 55025, ISO 7636(7) for EC R10,
- Compliance testing to governmental and police standards,
- EMC engineering services,
- EMC on-site training,
- Consultancy and problem solving,
- Independend opinion.
- Unparalleled dedication to your product !

Electrical safety testing
- Product Safety certification,
- Electrical Safety assessment to IEC, CENELEC Standards,
- Diëlectrical tests
- Earth continuity
- Classification and insulation coordination
- Thermal tests
Contact ce-test
Contact ce-test by using our CONTACT US button.
- Owner of LinkedIn EMC-experts group